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利用WRF/Noah/UCM模拟系统对长三角地区城市群进行了2003—2007年共5个夏季的高分辨率数值模拟,研究了夏季长三角城市群热岛效应及其对大气边界层影响。开展了2组平行的积分试验,控制试验为MODIS遥感资料给出的地表特征分布,敏感性试验将长三角地区的城市表面改为农田类型,其他与控制试验完全相同。两组试验的对比分析表明城市群热岛存在明显的日变化特征,热岛效应白天向上发展较高,夜间地表热岛强度明显增强。城市热岛导致午后城市上空产生强烈的局地上升气流,从而使得低层大气以补偿流的形式向城市辐合,然而在夜间上升运动很微弱。伴随这种热力状况的日变化,大气边界层高度也存在明显的日变化,白天增高,夜间降低。同时,白天城市边界层内风速明显减小,夜间地面风速减小加剧,但夜间边界层顶风速却有所增强。另外,城市化还会导致“城市干岛”现象,且其白天强度大于夜间。  相似文献   
利用一个包含城市冠层效应的区域模式(WRF/NCAR),对长三角特大城市群的夏季气候效应进行了5 a(2003—2007年)高分辨数值模拟,通过长三角地区有无城市的对比试验分析,重点分析了城市群所造成的多城市热岛和地表能量平衡及其日变化特征。结果表明:城市化会导致显著的地表升温,但昼夜不同的升温幅度造成城市地表温度日较差的降低,以及部分郊区日较差增加;城市化也减小城市近地面风速,但沿海城市升温造成的热力差异,增大白天的海风并降低夜间的陆风。同时大范围城市群的热岛能够显著降低低层气压,导致部分海面风速持续的增加;城市下垫面具有很小的潜热通量,但感热通量和热存储量较大,白天的热岛逐渐增加,并在日落前达到最大,夜间热岛基本维持,但在日出前后迅速减弱;较大的入射短波辐射、较小的向下长波辐射和较低的10 m风速能够减弱白天的热岛,而增强夜间的热岛,并且使热岛峰值从17时延后至20时出现;反之亦然。  相似文献   
<正>1 Introduction Jimsar sag covers about 1278 km2 in the south of the eastern uplift of Junggar basin.It is a half graben depression area in which the west,south and north is controlled by faults(Fig.1),and is tilting uplift to the east.It deposited Permian,Triassic,Jurassic,the Cretaceous and Cenozoic strata chronologically.The thickness of Lucaogou Formation is about 200 m to 350 m,it is the  相似文献   
1993/1994年南极夏季对中国南极长城湾及附近海区表层海水四种营养盐浓度及其分布状况作了调查。结果表明,NH4-N、NO3-N、NO2-N及PO4-P的大致浓度分别是2.13、7.07、0.74和1.12μg·dm-3。一般来说,湾内高于湾外氮盐于12月份常出现高值。四种形态的无机盐类之最高、最低浓度出现的时间和站位不尽一致。∑N/P递减次序大致是12月,2月,1月。水温变化与NH4-N、PO4-P浓度和∑N/P的变化常较一致,而与NO2-N则常不一,一些站位上营养盐浓度偏低可能与浮游植物摄取有关。结果显示了调研海区的浅水内湾特征。浮游植物所需营养充分。该湾仍维持正常状态。  相似文献   
Due to its negative impact on the living environment of human beings, ambient air pollution has become a global challenge to human health. In this study, surface observations of six criteria air pollutants, including PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, CO and O3, were collected to investigate the spatial and temporal variation in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei (BTH) region during 2013–2016 and to explore the relationships between atmospheric pollutants and meteorological variables using quantile regression model (QRM) and multiple linear regression model (MLRM). The results show that BTH region has experienced significant air pollution, and the southern part generally has more severe conditions. The annual average indicates clear decreasing trends of the particulate matters, SO2 and CO concentrations over the last 4 years and slight increasing trends of NO2 and O3 in several cities. The seasonal and monthly characteristics indicate that the concentrations of five species reach their maxima in the winter and their minima in the summer, whereas O3 has the opposite behaviour. Finally, the pseudo R2 values show that the QRMs have the best performance in the winter, followed by spring, fall, and summer. Specifically, all the meteorological factors have significant impacts on air pollution but change with pollutants and seasons. The MLRM results are generally consistent with the QRM results in all seasons, and the inconsistencies are more common in the fall and winter. The results of this research provide foundational knowledge for predicting the response of air quality to climate change in the BTH region.  相似文献   
利用山东88个气象站1961—2019年夏季6—8月逐日最高、最低气温观测数据,分析了山东各地极端热昼、极端热夜、极端高温日三个极端热事件的时空演变规律和突变特征。结果表明:1)山东夜间出现极端热事件及白天和夜间同时出现极端热事件的天数增多、强度增强、占比增加。历年极端热昼出现天数和占比均呈不同程度的减少趋势,平均强度呈减小趋势,其中占比减少最明显;极端热夜、极端高温日出现天数和占比均呈不同程度的增加趋势,平均强度呈增强趋势。2)山东内陆和沿海地区各极端热事件变化差异明显。内陆地区极端热昼各指标减少、减小趋势更显著,大部分地区变化趋势通过了0.05的显著性水平检验,半岛南部和东部部分区域则有增加、增强趋势;中西部地区极端热夜各指标增加、增强趋势更显著,大部分地区变化趋势通过了0.05的显著性水平检验;中东部区域尤其是半岛地区极端高温日各指标增加、增强趋势更显著,大部分地区变化趋势通过了0.05的显著性水平检验。3)各极端热事件不同指标的突变情况迥异。极端热昼历年出现天数没有发生突变,平均强度在1970年前后发生突变,突变发生后,平均强度明显减小;极端热夜出现天数和平均强度均在1994年前后发生突变,突变发生后,出现天数明显增加、平均强度明显增强;极端高温日出现天数和强度分别在1994年、1973年前后发生突变,突变发生后,出现天数明显增加。  相似文献   
The variability of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) is studied using a partially coupled climate model (PCCM) in which the ocean component is driven by observed monthly mean wind stress anomalies added to the monthly mean wind stress climatology from a fully coupled control run. The thermodynamic coupling between the atmospheric and oceanic components is the same as in the fully coupled model and, in particular, sea surface temperature (SST) is a fully prognostic variable. The results show that the PCCM simulates the observed SST variability remarkably well in the tropical and North Pacific and Indian Oceans. Analysis of the rainfall-SST and rainfall-SST tendency correlation shows that the PCCM exhibits local air-sea coupling as in the fully coupled model and closer to what is seen in observations than is found in an atmospheric model driven by observed SST. An ensemble of experiments using the PCCM is analysed using a multivariate EOF analysis to identify the two major modes of variability of the EASM. The PCCM simulates the spatial pattern of the first two modes seen in the ERA40 reanalysis as well as part of the variability of the first principal component (correlation up to 0.5 for the model ensemble mean). Different from previous studies, the link between the first principal component and ENSO in the previous winter is found to be robust for the ensemble mean throughout the whole period of 1958–2001. Individual ensemble members nevertheless show the breakdown in the relationship before the 1980’s as seen in the observations.  相似文献   
目前,国内外对于地基微波辐射计的探测能力多从温湿廓线等二级产品级进行考察,其误差包含反演算法和硬件系统两部分的贡献,不易区分。为直接考察硬件系统的观测性能,试验将评估对象前移,直接对一级亮温数据进行比对分析。利用2016年1月-2018年3月中国气象局大气探测试验基地4台地基微波辐射计和业务探空的同址观测数据,以探空数据输入MonoRTM辐射传输模型得到的正演亮温为参考,考察不同天气、不同季节微波辐射计的探测准确性。结果表明:国产与进口设备观测亮温的准确性相当。4台地基微波辐射计实测亮温与模拟亮温相关性较好,相关系数基本超过0.9,均达到0.001显著性水平。晴空条件下,实测亮温较模拟亮温均方根误差平均为2.08~3.75 K;德国辐射计亮温偏差最小,各通道平均偏差为1.08 K,均方根误差平均为2.08 K。亮温偏差在冬季最小,夏季达到最大。建议提高定标准确度并进行质量控制以确保亮温准确性,谨慎使用降水期间辐射计的观测数据。  相似文献   
海滩作为宝贵的滨海旅游资源,其质量问题越来越受到关注,海滩质量评价不仅能为海滩使用者提供帮助,也为提高旅游海滩质量提供指导方法。唐山市砂质岸滩资源丰富,岸线总长度约50 km,几乎全部位于海岛,砂质细腻。参考国内外质量评价标准,选取25个评价因子(自然因子12个,社会因子13个)对唐山市海滩进行评价,综合来看,海滩质量以祥云岛最好,龙岛次之,其余海岛均表现为一般。  相似文献   
树立良好的国土资源管理队伍形象,是当前国土资源管理体制改革的迫切需要,是充分发挥国土资源管理各项职能的客观要求。塑造新形势下的国土资源队伍形象是一项长期的、需要全体“国土卫士”持之以恒艰苦努力的工程。可总结为:塑“魂”、创“新”、建“制”、促“廉”、立“本”、树“形”6个方面。  相似文献   
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